Love Stories @ RomanceClass -
Dreams do come true !

Every now and then a story comes along where two people have Loved and by circumstance lost that Love, then by some miracle reunite years later. This Love story paralels those.
About 8 and a half years ago, while talking in a chatroom online I had the honor of speaking to a woman some thousand miles away. Many days and conversations took place after that. Learning that her states NFL team was in the playoffs, as were mine, I challenged her to a bet. Whichever team is out of the playoffs first will travel to the others state and we can meet. What initialy began as a sort of joke soon became reality as I flew to see her. I spent the single greatest week of my life with her in Colorado !
Not intending to, I fell in Love. The week was over and I flew back home.
After parting ways we continued conversing and nuturing our relationship. Here is the circumstance part....I moved to another city and that's when we lost contact.
Throughout the years I've often thought about her, recalling that week so vividly and always wondering what may have been. Several times I had tried finding her, trying without success to locate even a phone number.
In March of this year I decided to try once again, looking her name up on My Space. As I typed in her name and pushed the enter key up came the first page of listings. Nervous,but hopefull, I began scrolling down. As unbelievable as this sounds, there she was in a picture, fifth person on the list of thousands. Some people believe in fate, some in luck, some in destiny. I believe it was devine intervention. There was the woman I had Loved and lost over eight years earlier. I took a few moments contemplating whether or not to write but soon did.
The rest of this is shear Love story. I learned that she had thought of and tried as well to locate me. She too hadn't forgotten about us. Since March we have been talking daily, remembering and reminising. The years melding together as if we had never been apart, falling in Love all over again ! The middle of this last month she flew here to see me. The moment our eyes met, we knew. Love at first sight is not a fantasy. We spent another terrific week together before she flew home. There will be no losing one another this time as we are talking about the possibility of a future together. We have been so blessed with a second chance and are taking full advantage of it. I Love her and want the world to know !
My hope is that if you've loved and lost, you'll gain inspiration from our story. Dreams do come true !


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