Love Stories @ RomanceClass - I found you and I lost you I found you and I lost you.....My love was strong,we had a special bond. We both were married and it hurt to say goodbye...we both cried. I wanted to see you but I couldn't ever since the movie Passion of the Christ...Jesus told me he died for my sins and I had to let you go. I think about you all the time and see your smile and feel your strong hands and your soft hair. I still can hear your laugh even if you didn't laugh out loud alot and hear your voice is still in my heart and you are too. My soul is w/you always.You said we were soulmates and I know we are because I felt grief on the day before you died I sensed it and I didn't say goodbye. I can't stop crying I want to hear your voice and see your beautiful face. I will see you my friend in Heaven at the pearly gate.I want to hold you close once again my heart aches for you,I love you,you are my best friend. Love you always. Me Love-O-Meter 4.54 out of 5 hearts Add your vote! How many hearts does this story rate? 1 is lowest, 5 is highest. Submit your own story Most Recent Love Stories
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