Love Stories @ RomanceClass - then he looked into my eyes and a tear fell i had known this guy since about we were born and we have always fought. kinda like brother and sister. when i first got my boyfriend he told me hey this guy isn't right or something(6 grade) and it kept on and on every year. he's a year older then me so he kinda was like a big brother to me. finally in the 9 grade he told me agian hey that guy is not right. and i screamed whats been up with you!!you always tell me what to do now and who i shouldn't date!! tell me whats wrong??!!and then he looked into my eyes and a tear fell and he grabbed me by the hips and leaned me in closer and he leaned it but then i knew exactly wha had been up all those years and i kissed him. we have been together now for almost a year Love-O-Meter 2.32 out of 5 hearts Add your vote! How many hearts does this story rate? 1 is lowest, 5 is highest. Submit your own story Most Recent Love Stories
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