Love Stories @ RomanceClass - Our Crush Turned Into Love the first time I saw him my world stopped. I could hear nothing and see nothing execpt for him. He was a few years older than me, tall and strong and with these incredible blue eyes that can see straight through to your heart. the first time I saw him he was giving a mate a hug,(he gives the bestest hugs!) and straight away i knew I wanted to be with him. For the next few months I dreamed about him, spent maths class fantasising about him: all that stuff. The first time he hugged me I didn't stop smilimg for days, I got butterflies each time we met, we just clicked. One night I admitted it to a friend of mine. We went partying and there he was, that night we just stayed so close, whispered conversations to eachother. Even his arm around me was electric. He tells me now that he fell in love with me that night. It took him two months to ask me out, and since then we have talked every single night. We understand eachother and there are no secrets between us, we have promised each other that we'll be together forever, I tell him he's my first, my last and my only, I know he's always got my back, and this sounds corny but honestly i wouldn't be here if it wasn't for him. and neither would he. I hope everyone could have what we share, because its incredible to know you mean the world to someone and that you dont have to face reality alone. Love-O-Meter 4.25 out of 5 hearts Add your vote! How many hearts does this story rate? 1 is lowest, 5 is highest. Submit your own story Most Recent Love Stories
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