Love Stories @ RomanceClass - I knew that all was right with the universe. Personal Ads? No-way. Or so I thought. On a whim I decided to answer a personal ad in a local paper. Nice voice. Sounded intelligent. Promised to make me laugh. What did I have to lose? So I decided I would meet him for lunch at a local restaurant. Got there early to watch. My first impression was that he was cute - but large and bald. Not the type that I would usually date. During lunch I realized that I was nervous and a bit shy. Not at all like I usually was around people. Another dinner followed, then another. Movies, weekend trips and lots of laughing. We were falling in love. After a year, we decided to live together. More movies, trips and laughter! I didn't think two people could be more in tune than we were. Friends and families on both sides thought that we were the perfect match. We understood one another - we just got it! One morning, after five years together, I awoke to the shock of my life. He was moving to another state to be near his young child - and I wasn't going. He had been told he needed to make a choice - his child or me. Understanding his decision didn't make the devastation any less. But I knew that life goes on and so would I. Over time I had many invitations to go out. They just didn't feel right. I felt like I was cheating. I felt in the base of my soul that he and I were not over. That someday, in this life or the next, we would be together again. While reading the paper one morning I saw that his brother died. I knew that he would call me when he came up to handle the funeral arrangements. And he did, very sheepishly. He told me that he still had some of my things (after four and one half years no less!) and would like to see me to give them back to me. Of course I met with him. There was no question in my mind! There he was, standing in the parking lot looking for me - in my orange Vue with my blonde hair. He almost didn't recognize me in my green Vue with my dark brown hair - almost! Lots can change in four and one half years. I gave him a hug and my condolences about his brother. He was so stiff and controlled that I had to back up. After he gave me all of my things we talked a little. He thought that I was surely married by now. I thought he was happy in that other state. Something deep inside of me said to kiss him. I put my arms around him and gave him a sweet kiss and actually felt all of his control melt away as he kissed me back. As we began dating again, it felt like he had never gone away. Friends and family were happy to see him back and us together. They all told him how I wouldn't go out with anyone because I knew he would be back. This freaked him out a little bit but last week-end he got down on one knee and proposed to me. As I said yes and he put that ring on my finger, I knew that all was right with the universe. Or at least with my part of the universe. Love-O-Meter 4.50 out of 5 hearts Add your vote! How many hearts does this story rate? 1 is lowest, 5 is highest. Submit your own story Most Recent Love Stories
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