Love Stories @ RomanceClass - please take this story and be careful well i met this guy and i thought he was the man of my dream he was perfesct and i belived his ever word if he said it was going to be alright i new in my heart and soul i was going to be alright and it was wonderful hiss kisses and everthing just made me fall in love with him he said i LOVE YOU and i belived it. untill a mounth later one night we where out like always and everything was perfect. and we had a wonderful time and i met his bestfriend and i had a really bad strong feeling about his friend and everything. then the next day my ex did not call me or text me or anything and i text him over 20 times and called him and finly his friend answered and said that my ex was not there and i took it as alright where is he and i thought everything was fine tell 1 am in the morning i got a call from his bestfriend and that my ex wanted it to be over for no reason at all and i just cryed and cryed i was so sad i lost the man i loved and would have gave anything for. then a week past and i started to get over him and i got a text saying hey from my ex and we talked and he was like " BABY I MISS YOU AND I WANT TO WORK THINGS OUT BETWEEN US CAN WE PLEASE HANG TONIGHT AND TALK"? and i was stupid enough to say yeah lets talk so we want to the drive in movies and talked from 8pm tell 2am and then we kissed even made out a little and he said he wanted to get back together but he wanted to give it an over night thinking about and i said alright you think about it and then call/text me to marrow and tell me alright then he took me home and the next day i heard nothing from him not a word then i text him so...? and nothin for 3 days then that weekend i want to a carnaval waith a few friends and you will never guess who i saw yeah my ex with a nother girl rubbing all up on her kissing her then he saw me and i saw him and he just stared at me and i had no clue what to do or think then my bestfriend went to go hit him and i pulled her back and said you no what he aint worth it... and ever since i cant STOP THINKING ABOUT HIM I LOVE HIM AND I NO HE HAS HURT NE BUT I DONT NO WHAT TO DO YOU NO!!!! so please take this story and be carefull Love-O-Meter 3.10 out of 5 hearts Add your vote! How many hearts does this story rate? 1 is lowest, 5 is highest. Submit your own story Most Recent Love Stories
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