Love Stories @ RomanceClass - I just want to go up to him and say I don't know but i think it was when I was elementary school that I first know him but then I noticed that he was not anything special to me. Until onwe time something happened and I began to notice him. It was then, that I knew that he was gonna be my soulmate. He did had feelings for me. Hw told me once but I'm not sure now. We are in same schools but far away from eachother. When I see him, I feel real close to him and I just want to go up to him and say I"I love you,but do you still love me!!" I'm scared to say it, will he be scared away or will the outcome be sumthing horrible.I see him, my heart races are really fast and I think that it beats like a million times in a minute. It is really scary but I dunno why. I pertend I don't see him because I scard I dunno wat to say to him. Is it only me, or is it him that makes my heart beat for my connection?? Love-O-Meter 4.67 out of 5 hearts Add your vote! How many hearts does this story rate? 1 is lowest, 5 is highest. Submit your own story Most Recent Love Stories
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