Love Stories @ RomanceClass - We broke up a year ago on this very day In such a short while so much has changed, the woman that was once the biggest part of me is wrapped up in another mans arms. Watching day in and day out i have never felt such jealousy, yet when i watch you from afar i still have an ambition and dream that one day you'll come back to me. We have talked and dreamed of the same life together for years now, and what's worse is that you still want that life with us. From the pictures we took and the way that we cared, everything seemed to be going great. Then we lost something along the way. It might have been compassion that we had lost, maybe it was something we had found along the way, but ever since that one winter night our lives were all of a sudden so much different. We broke up a year ago on this very day, and yet we still want each others comfort and embrace. Four months we stopped talking which seemed so much easier because i didn't have to front up to seeing you and talking with you everyday and surfacing the pain that i felt. But our true love story still remains with both you and I together. We couldn't stop there because we knew it was meant to be, when we got back together it all seemed natural but something was still keeping us drawn away from each other. when i found out you were still with him after saying we were as one it started to kill me from the heart out. Some people would ask how could he ever forgive someone who is prepared to cheat on him and lie about their relationship, but there is one thing that never changes. No matter how angry or upset, nor saddened or dissapointed; my love for you never weakens or tires-out. We're meant for each other (might be hard to express) but we both know it and want it. You know it's a lie when you close your eyes it's me that you are holding, kissing, speaking to, loving. Why live a life thats only half complete. Why drown your emotions in a knowingly dead-end relationship The end of our lives are closer than we expect so why waste energy trying to overcome true love so that we don't hurt the person we are with. "We've both found now that what we want is each other, true love can't be compromised with the love from another, the tears roll down softly till they drip off my cheek, mnms and skittles together, now that's a whole life complete." Love-O-Meter 3.67 out of 5 hearts Add your vote! How many hearts does this story rate? 1 is lowest, 5 is highest. Submit your own story Most Recent Love Stories
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