Love Stories @ RomanceClass - and its hella tough~ so thats my love story! the prohibited love it all started about 4 years ago! and i was 14 and he was 16, we meet at church, in our youth group! and well we had known eachother through different sources, because his brothers and sisters went to the same school as i did. So he asked me out and i obiously said yes!!! and well it was fun! but at 14, my family wouldnt aprove me having a boyfriend nevertheless a african american boyfriend. so i kept it a secret, he would pick me up from school (all girls private school, which his older sister attended also) and he would take me to church, and we would hang out at the youthgroup and stuff. He would walk me home from school mostly every day, for about 1 year. My mother eventually met him at church but never suspected that we were going out. Once we were out on my porch and she saw us together, and was furious! she stopped me from seeing him! it was torture to us!! so he bought me a cell himself one so that we can keep in contact and we would still sneak to see eachother... until my mom stopped us completly. she like brainwashed me so that i would think he was NOT the right guy! i cried every night for 4 months. and he still kept coming to my house and wave at me from a loser dumbass! lol...and well he would send my neighbor girl friends to ask if i can go out... but my mom was very strict! so that was impossible! two years past and i saw him at was not the first time i had seen him, between the years... but this day was different in some way.... he asked to talk to me (like every time he would see me) this day i gave in. i felt it was okay to talk to him...and so we spoke and i gave him my number and he asked me the toughest questions ever..the why did you let your mom come between us...and all that! i felt horrible... but he asked me out again...and i told him the warnings of the relationship....but i alone couldnt resist! he was the love of my life!!! that guy who i never stopped thinking about! and so we reunited! and it felt sooo good! lol.....i was 17 and he was 19....we were like peas and opposites and yet soooooo alike!!! he would pick me up from school mostly every day weekend classes he was there! and grand nite! school dances, homework help, take me out to dinner, movies, parks, bought me tons of met his family fell in love with them....we did everything together!!! i love him with a high passion! he would call me 5 times a day everydday! come to my house play video games we did the craziest things like drive in a g a whole grip of stuff! ah! everyone of our friends knew that we were sprung off eachother! so BAMB! i graduated and it was about july 2 and my grandmother caught us making love in the house and HELL WAS ON EARTH FOR ME! i ran away for 4 hours with him i went to his house and his family always supported our relationship and knew our families had to we agreed that when i turned 18 which was in 3 weeks from that day and his 20th b-day 2 weeks later...we would talk....he kept calling me! he tried to tell my mother he loved me and that he wanted to be with me. but no means no to my mom! and well my mom made me break up with him over the phone since he kept calling me....24/7 and i did or my mom wasnt going to help me with my college tuition...and kick me out or something....and his family is rich compared to mine....but i knew that it wasnt going to be easy.....i felt horrible...but we broke up... i told him the situation and reminded him to get back on track if he loved me so that he can show my mom that he's a good man..and he said he would....... on his birthday he came to my school to be with me because he said "my only wish for my birthday is to see you" and we did....but he was slanging...and i didnt approve...3 weeks later we saw eachother again and i questioned his improvement and he said he couldn't because he had to slang to get money and that i should DO WHAT I DO....after i asked what i should do! either to move on?! or wait for him to get his shyt together...and i left crying because of the way he treated was bad! and during 3 weeks of us not seeing eachother i had relized that my mom was right! he was a loser! and if he loved me he would change! and then last wednesday...he came to my house and told me that he loved me and missed me and that he enrolled into school so that he can be a better man for our future!!! gee! i love him! and i saw him thursday and friday...and we spoke about our plans and well im thankful about his actions on changing...but i dont know what to do with my mother?! its hard! i love her dearly also but what can i do?!!?!?!? sneeking around now that im 18 and him 20 is not!!!! NOT!!! easy!!! especially with her! she has me like on lock down!! and its hella tough~ so thats my love story! Love-O-Meter ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() 4.50 out of 5 hearts Add your vote! How many hearts does this story rate? 1 is lowest, 5 is highest. Submit your own story Most Recent Love Stories
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