Love Stories @ RomanceClass - heyy i looove him Younqin but heyy i looove him.I never even told me and he thouqht i still liked my ex. Not the truth thouqh. I finally realized how lucky I am to be with him. Since i couldntr get on line he told me we were done because I played him. I cried when he told me in person! So hard it hurt. And i cant stop crying considering it was today. I would rather be with him then anyone. I want him back but he never even like me cuz now he told me, i mean me! Comon? Well he told me he likes this girl M., my "friend". Sad isn't it? A love struck teenager missing L*. Btw i never even got to tell him the words "I think i love yu". Love-O-Meter 1.67 out of 5 hearts Add your vote! How many hearts does this story rate? 1 is lowest, 5 is highest. Submit your own story Most Recent Love Stories
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