Love Stories @ RomanceClass - My fairy tale Once upon a time there was a young girl and a young boy. Still in school Her 8th grade year his sophomore year. The day they met, she had a boyfriend already. She met him at a local town fair, and added him on her myspace,msn ect. Things got messed up with her and her boyfriend. . The young boy and young girl grew extremely CLOSE. As one year went by they began to have diff. boyfriends and girlfriends, so they didn't have time to be "Together", they still talked about how much they liked each other, every time they chatted, they would always tell each other "When the time is right we will be together". . Suddenly the girl is in the middle of her sophomore year and the boy is a big ole' senior. The girl has a boyfriend [Doesn't treat her well enough]and her and this Senior boy began talking again finally she broke up with her recent boyfriend just so her and the Senior boy could be together. . Now they are a happy couple and soon he is going away for college 500 miles away from their home town and she still has 2 more years of school left. . But he loves her so much he is willing to give this wonderful girl a promise ring and PROMISE they will get married as soon as they are ready. . This is *MY* fairy tale!!! I am recently a Sophomore in high school and very scared of what life is going to bring me when he moves 500 miles away but we will make it because that's how my fairytale has to be .. I found my Little Prince Charming once and for all!! xoxo- Just Me* Love-O-Meter ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() 4.43 out of 5 hearts Add your vote! How many hearts does this story rate? 1 is lowest, 5 is highest. Submit your own story Most Recent Love Stories
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