Love Stories @ RomanceClass -

Not a day goes by without you in my thoughts.
Often you appear randomly, occasionally certain songs will bring upon thoughts of you and remind me of how much I still care.
I've got a lot of things to work on and I know this.
I can never promise you all the wealth you want, but, I can promise to love you and to never give up 'til my time is up, that much I am sure of.

I really don't want to be alone. I also don't want to give myself to anyone, other than yourself. You're amazing, you truly are an astonishing person, inside and out.

I am scared to place my heart into the hands of another.
When I think I am ready to move on, my heart will ache, as if to tell me I am indeed not ready. I can't remember ever feeling this way about another and I don't expect to want or feel this way for another women.

If I have ever in my life made you smile, feel joy or made you feel better about yourself as a person, that is what I have want to accomplish. You may not ever realize how much I really care for you, or how deeply I want you to love me in return.

If I have ever made you angry, sad or afraid, that was never my intention. I have never wanted anything more for you than to have exactly what you deserve, which is the best, in every aspect of life.

You're a sweetheart. I look up to you, I always have and always will. (despite what my actions may lead you to believe) It's not easy trying to convince myself that I don't want you in my life. It's not easy sleeping alone at night wishing you were by my side. It's not easy going through anything in this life wishing you were beside me.

I love you and have begun to care for you more than I care for my own unavailing existence.

You're one of a kind, someone who could captivate and overwhelm anyone who is lucky enough to discover the genuine and affectionate heart that makes you who you are.

I can't ever make you love me or want to be a part of my life. I can only explain how I feel/felt towards you and the impact you have had on my life.

I love you. You're not just a friend, you're not just a memory, you're a part of me, I bring you everywhere with me.
Sometimes unwantingly and uncontrollably. I may not be able to control my thoughts, which wont ever be negative or harmful towards you. (im not going to pull some stupid shit if thats what you're thinking) I can control my actions and if it is your wish to not have me be a part of your life, I wont ever force it upon you. I can only wish and pray on my own that you will one day think of me and want to talk to me and have me be a part of your life.

I don't know why I explain this so much. I just don't want you to think of me as a creep, I've never followed my heart the way I have with you (i want to explain what lead me back to you and the random events and people who seemed to trigger an epiphany, crazy stuff, wierd vibes never in my life experienced a phenomenon.. i wont tell you about it indirectly) and it shocked me that a person can feel soo much for someone they've never really been THAT close to. I mean its not hard to see what is attractive about you, come to think of it, what isn't attractive about you?!

I'm rambling

You'll probably never read this, but atleast you know how I feel, even if I made an idiot of myself.


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