Love Stories @ RomanceClass - Something nasty dear pescoe if you are reading this i am terribly sorry i should never have called you after we split up . . i jus needed too sort my head out and im starting to move on so hey i mite b in luck lol but i m relly sorry i didnt mean 2 make you hate me i just want you to be happy but know you wont even talk 2 me and when you talk about me its something nasty . now i can see how foolish i was i belived you loved me truth is you never did . and it will all get better in time . welll i gota go now am really busy but i jus wrote to say sorry love nicole .x Love-O-Meter 1.54 out of 5 hearts Add your vote! How many hearts does this story rate? 1 is lowest, 5 is highest. Submit your own story Most Recent Love Stories
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