Love Stories @ RomanceClass - Battle with leukemia 1 i love 2 years i was looking at my dreamboy.but at last my friends got to know that i was in love with bt friend gave me some advice.and i still was very shy to talk to him.all ma friends foce me to go and talk to it was interval i went and talk to him.i talk as if we are lovers.but my friends gave me a sign not to talk like then we start talking like friends.he's friends let him to talk.we were talking till the end of the interval.after few days h ask me on i said ok to him.the first date went very on we were very good friends.few days after he showed me his parents.i met his parents ,i also talk to them,i was bit scared.i loved his brother as he was my was almost 10th month we went together without getting angry.few day late he didn't come to school.i start asking qustion from my friends and he's friends,they never told why he didn't come to school.for one whole month he didn't come.i was sad,didn't do school work last i got to know that he was admit at a hospital,becouse he had lucammeya.few days after once he came to school to say "good by" .i start crying from that day onwards.few day late he was pastway.and i had to tak care of he's brother and he's family.i still take good care of them.but there was i thing i couldn't do just for him.that was going for his parents don't know that i loved a guy,when i was just 12 years.i tried to kill myself when i heard that he friends help me to com up in life Love-O-Meter 4.88 out of 5 hearts Add your vote! How many hearts does this story rate? 1 is lowest, 5 is highest. Submit your own story Most Recent Love Stories
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