Love Stories @ RomanceClass - Boyfriend in jail ok well there was this boy and like i meet him in like n decenber. i knew him and he knew me we juss never really talked soo well he asked his brother to ask me fo ma numba to give to him soo i gave to him. well dat night ma phone rang and it was him so dat night we staryed to talk like around 12 to 6 in da morning we got to kno eachother and well i started to talk to him more and more well sooner or later it was march but we still werent going out butt it was like if we were we talked every day he told me he loved me and i felt i loved him to. well we talked for like 4 mothes. and finally it was the day he asked me out on march 2 omg was that the happist day ever and of courrse i siad yes well den we strated to date but den one day i didnt get a call from him so den i called him but no answer so den ma friend called me and i was like well juan hasnt called me all day and she was juss kidding but she told me u kno he might be n jail but she was jus kidding. and den ma boyfriends friend calls and tell me yeah they got him he's n jail. and i dropped ma phone i became really sad juss knoing day wut ma friend told was ture wel ther was he was in jail. he called me once while he was in dere cuz ma mom didnt really like accepting the calls and well he was in dere for a mouth he came out on april 8th wich was the happist day ever well we were still dating but den he broke up with me on a monday but he told me he loved and juss needed time to think but dat friday he got loocked up agin on april 21.and i havent talked to him scince but denn on his britday on may 13 i talekd to him and he had told me he was getting out in september and i cried. but what could i do about it well i ahvent spoke to him scicne cuz like i siad ma mom dont let me aceept da calls well to this day all i think about is him and i love him..and there's no otha guy out there that can take his placeeee!!!! i love you baby! Love-O-Meter 2.43 out of 5 hearts Add your vote! How many hearts does this story rate? 1 is lowest, 5 is highest. Submit your own story Most Recent Love Stories
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