Love Stories @ RomanceClass - Sizzle with Mercedes i went on holiday once with my family and i went to visit a mate i had not seen since childhood. she invited me to her sister inlaws baby shower. as i was there, an old women kept eyeing me. her daughter who was very pretty also kept eyeing me. then i heard the old women whisper to her daughter, i think you should go and call you sister to have a look. when she called her sister, all three of them kept eyeing me!!!!! later when we were served tea. the old women came to me and said "oh darling if you were just a little bit older i would marry you to my son" i was shocked and just said "no its alright, im not intresseted now". later my freind told me that i was the envy of every girl in the neigbourhood because he was the fittest, most nicest guy in the world. i just laughed. later that evening we were sat on the balcony and guess what i saw!!!! a guy with blond hair blue eyes and very tanned skin (sizzle) parking his mercades outside, i asked who it was and my friend replied, the guy you rejected!!!!!!!! still, even though he was sizzling hot i wasnt intrested. for some reason my friend was insitent on me and him being hooked up for some reason. Love-O-Meter 3.00 out of 5 hearts Add your vote! How many hearts does this story rate? 1 is lowest, 5 is highest. Submit your own story Most Recent Love Stories
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