Love Stories @ RomanceClass - Story pt 1 Okay, I really like this guy, and my parents don't like him. This is the story about what happened to us. lets call my guy friend Jake, me Amy, and my cousin Savannah. I had a soccer game, which was a little wierd, because I'm considered Emo. sorry, off topic. one of my best guy friends came to the game, and chilled with my cousin while i played. after the game, he ended up coming to my house with me. i rushed and got freshened up, then i went to him. me, Jake, and Savannah went up onto the railroad tracks by my house, and sat down with our legs hanging over the edge just over a river. we talked for a long time, then went down to the river. we pushed each other in and had a blast. we ran to the docks down by my house, and sat down. Jake opened up sooo much to me. My mom and dad don't like Jake because he's almost 18, and I'm only 14. anyways, Jake told me about his old relationships, and stuff like that. I love him soo much, i just can't bring myself to tell him, especially because i did something stupid. i went to a carnival held by my school in the track parking lot. i ran into Jake, and a bunch of his friends. at the time, i also had a crush on one of his best friends, Alex. I told Savannah, and she called alex over. she said, "alex, you should give amy a kiss." alex just looked at her, then me. he came towards me, then he grabbed me tightly, and kissed me. i kissed him right back, and it was a long one. as i pulled away, i noticed Jake staring at me, with a sad look in his face. the group of guys walked away, and left me with a confused thought. what do i do?? its very awkward when im around either of them, especially when they're together. im going to a party where they'll be by each other a lot, and i've already agreed to makeout with one of them. i don't know what to do. hmmm...idk, in the next story i'll tell what happens. Love-O-Meter ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() 5.00 out of 5 hearts Add your vote! How many hearts does this story rate? 1 is lowest, 5 is highest. Submit your own story Most Recent Love Stories
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