Love Stories @ RomanceClass - Together for 9 months my friend (bf but not yet in this) our friend and me were all at the park wen it started 2 rain. it was a really sunny day at first so me and my female friend hadn't taken our jackets with us. we were both freezing but he only offered his jacket 2 me but i told him i was fine thx. 30 seconds later i have his jacket round my shoulders. we went bk 2 his house coz no1 was in. my mom came and picked me up and about 5 mins later he was txting me saying he was bored without me so will i tlk 2 him. i txt him bk sayin yh wat bout. he sed nefin yhu cn pick so i asked him hu do yhu fancy thn seeing as yhu sed yhu wud tell me 2daii. he sed yhu have 10 questions in which yhu cn gess hu it is. afta bout 5 questions he sed yhur neva gonna get i yhu dumbass its yhu. i was lyk r yhu serious. he sed yh. we carried on txtin each ova wen we went on 2 msn 4 about anova 4 hours. he told me tht he had liked me for about a year and the more he thought i didn't like him (which i did) the more he liked me. l8er on tht nyt he sed there was no point in asking me out cos i was goin on holiday but he did newayz. we wud speak on tha fone for hours every nyt.we have now been 2getha for 9months Love-O-Meter 1.80 out of 5 hearts Add your vote! How many hearts does this story rate? 1 is lowest, 5 is highest. Submit your own story Most Recent Love Stories
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