Love Stories @ RomanceClass - Please pray for us Im in the 6th grade and in love many people call it crazy but wat do they know =) at the begging of the year i was your regular nerdy boring girl with only one friend! =( the week i was ready to just stop with the boys was the week this really awsome boy named matthew fell in love with me! he was really shy so he asked one of my friends to ask me out hello i said yes. the next few days it went from a hug to a kiss to finally him saying I LOVE YOU¢¾ i was scared of the word and didnt say it back for about 2 days and when i was ready i said it back! we are pretty positve that our love with never fade and we'll last forever hes my one true love and i hope we do spend our life together! this is our 10th month together please pray for us and hope we last! :) Love-O-Meter 3.00 out of 5 hearts Add your vote! How many hearts does this story rate? 1 is lowest, 5 is highest. Submit your own story Most Recent Love Stories
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