Love Stories @ RomanceClass - Ya ya he loves me one day me and my frend were on the bus and i fell of but the boy i fanced catched me in his arms i felt like it was just us to for a moment and i was srandid by love in the air but then i relised it was my brouther that catch me and i was upset beause i thoght it was the boy i love coz they look a like and the next day i did see the real boy i loved not my brouther and he said to me i heard u fell of a bus are u ok i said ya iam fine and u kept winking at me in a kindda flirty way i wwas ya ya he loves me and we get togher Love-O-Meter 1.33 out of 5 hearts Add your vote! How many hearts does this story rate? 1 is lowest, 5 is highest. Submit your own story Most Recent Love Stories
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