Love Stories @ RomanceClass - The love ladder well i was new in town and the first person i met was this cute little short guy named cody at the damn catching ducks! i didnt know that that little short guy would be my first love. when school started we had all the same classes and talked alot then we started dating 4 months later...every night he would come over and we would go up in my room and watch movies cuddle, or go for a walk or go to his house or just go walk around town and it was like we were ajoined at the hip cuz wherever i was he was there with me! i have this roof that is about 9 feet high that and once i stole a ladder from this person on my block so late at night cody would sneak in and stay the night or i would sneak out and go run around town and run from the cops for fun! it was the best time of my life! well one night i was leaving for minnesota for a week and i was talkin to cody on the computer and i was gonna go pack cuz i hadnt done that and it was about 11 at night and i said love you ill call u from minnesota and hes like i love you more.....and then im like i gotta ?...and hes like what im like do u really love me? he said of course...and i said i wasnt sure if i beleived it or not...and so i got off and was upstairs packing and then i heard sumthin and all the sudden cody walked in...he put up the ladder and snuck in and im like why did u come tonight and he said i came because i wanted to prove that i love you and wrapped his arms around me and gave me a kiss and said i love you nicolle more than anything and im gonna miss you! he stayed the whole night! that was one the best night of my life!!!!!!!! but me and cody arent together anymore...but i still love him..and still want him back and im working on it still! there's still hope for us i think because last night he came over and stayed over for awhile!!!!! so everybody never give up on the ones u want! Love-O-Meter 3.71 out of 5 hearts Add your vote! How many hearts does this story rate? 1 is lowest, 5 is highest. Submit your own story Most Recent Love Stories
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