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Fight about stupid things

hi im a gal of da age of 19 im currently d8ng a guy hu is 25 we met via mxit finally we met f2f.we met in twn n ges wat he saw me b4 i cud c hm,he cld n askd if im wearin a blaq shirt or nt i said yes y?he hung up n came 2 me.i ws nervous asking myself hw dd he fnd out.he tld he had a srng flng dat it was me bcz i had tld hm my physical appearance n bysds he fel inlv wit me witout knwin it was me.he gave me a hug wen i saw him,he cudnt stp smilin.we were bth in2 each ada,wen i saw hm i was convinced he was da 1.i rly lyk hm alot bt thing z he duznt blv me n dat jst kils me.he is so insecure cz b4 we hukd i use 2 tel hm abt hectic things we get up 2 wit my frnds,he thnks im cheating accuses me abt a whole lot of s which i knw im nt guilty of.i lv hm as wel as hs kid.we always fyt abt stupid thngs.he recons im demandin,selfsh n wnt thgs 2 go my way i fail 2 blv dat bcz i also thnk he duznt undastands me..wel lst nyt we wre fyting lyk any ada dai bt lst nyt was different cz he got 2 a point where he said its beta if we part hurt,angry,resentful i almst cld hm in da morning bt stpd startin 2 doubt evrythng yet i saw a future btwn us.i neva thot things cum 2 dis point bt hey lyf is thru wit lv i mean it. i actually thot we wre soulmates bt dn again i was wrng.i stl wnt hm bk bt i dnt wnt 2 col hm i jst wnt 2 c if he real cared abt me or nt...i lv da way we connectd,part of me duznt wnt 2 accpt dat its ova cz wat we had 2k mch 4 it 2 materialise bt da ada part tls me da dude jst had enuf of me as wel as my "naggin" as he wud put it.


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