Love Stories @ RomanceClass - Echo in my ear my sad love story strts off this way....i fel in love wid a guy wen i waz in 7th grade but coudnt tel him all the feelings i had inside ma heart...wen i came in 8th grade i added him ta ma msn account...we started off chatting n than gradualli we moved on to tawkin on phone...1day i told him hwo i flt about him..n he siad tht he loved me too...tht waz the happiest moment ov ma life...we used to tawk each day n each night til the mornin....but thn aftr 1 month one ov his frnd told me tht he wasnt in love wid me, loved someotha gurl..i askd him n he said tht he said tht he does love sum1 els but didn tel me cuz he didn wana hurt me as he had seen how deepli i waz in love wid him...tht day i waz shattered into pieces.i cntinued bein frndz wid him(* he stil wasnt commited to tht gurl*) but then i got to knw tht hez comitted to his frndz...:( tht day waz the wrst day ov ma life...weneva i thnk bout ths i strt cryin but i aint gna say a word to him...i dunwana cum in between him n hiz gf....i wana c him happi...i still love him alot n everyday i thnk bout those nights wen u used to tawk for hourz n those 3 special wordz he said to me still echo in am ear...n iv decided tht m gna wait fr him...i sumhw hav a feelin tht hez gna cum bak to me....i miss him Love-O-Meter 2.33 out of 5 hearts Add your vote! How many hearts does this story rate? 1 is lowest, 5 is highest. Submit your own story Most Recent Love Stories
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