Love Stories @ RomanceClass - The whole story My love story is to long to tale so I will sum it up with a poem for my love. Far Away Love He is not a boy, a man, nor a soldier, I'll be back soon is the last thing he told her, the sooner he leaves the quicker he'll be home, but her tears and heartache are far from known, he is a Marineand her heart and soul, he keeps her fire burning for he is the coal, I'll keep waiting and praying until in my arms is he, may angels watch over him and at peace my heart can be, waiting for each time he calls, fighting back the tears, although this may go on for years it strengthens me against all fears, if seeing him once a month is all that they will give, I'll take it if it's the way we have to live, he is a Marine and he will shout is strong and loud, as long as forces stand tall we shall never fall, so do not criticise, patronize, or put him down for he is keeping us up, he will never break for our sake, our fate rest not only in the hands of God, but in theirs, the Marines hands, so every civilian lock your hands together, bow your hands and pray, the Marines are marching in, there here to save the day, my Marines coming home, he's on his way, finally coming home for good, in my arms to STAY!!! 3 years of hard times, 3 years of good times. Standing by him is one of the hardest things I could ever do. Talk about a test of love and strength. No matter where life takes him I will follow him every step of the way. Through thick and thin. Love is a powerful thing, especially when you mean it. It's funny how Life and Love both have four letters in them, almost like in order to live you have to be loved and love. For some that may just seem like a chapter in my book. But for me he is the whole story. Love-O-Meter 4.50 out of 5 hearts Add your vote! How many hearts does this story rate? 1 is lowest, 5 is highest. Submit your own story Most Recent Love Stories
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