Love Stories @ RomanceClass - I always will well......... I met a boy last year on holiday..from that first moment i saw him i new i had fallen INLOVE i had been talking to him for ages after that and then during the month of spetember we both discoverd we were going back to the place we met again at the same time.i was looking forwad to meeting him again and couldnt get him out of my head..then i turned up at that same bar we had arranged to meet at to find these to blond girls..well he was with one of the girls called laura for the hole holiday and made me feel so depresed for the rast of my holiday i never thought i could hurt as much as i did.. Then when i got back home i couldnt help but think about him so i said haloo to him on msn once again..about a month later i found we had got much closer talking like we use 2 talk when we first met ..and he FINALY said the words i had always dremnt him saying to me..HE TOLD ME HE LOVED ME ! i was sooo happy !! i boost my currage and told him i had liked him ever since we met and all was going well... Beacaue we live about an hour and a half away from eachother we arraged for me and my sister to go and stay with him and his mum and dad ..Well that weekend will stay with me for as long as i live we held eachother every mineut of the day for that hole weekend and were closer then i had EVER dremnt...we stayed in contact after that and was soo inlove.. we arrgenged him and his friend witch my sister was now dateing to come and stay at are house for the weekend so they did and we were soo loved up and were kissing the hole weekend..but unfortunatly that weekend had come to an end and it was time for him to go home...i started to pannic a bit that week because i was told by one of his friends that a girl where he lived liked him and had kissed this stage i was horified i couldnt belive he would do that but as stupidly inlive with him as i am i forgot about it and tryed to move on but a few days after that i found out they were seeing eachother......well as sooon as i heard that my heart melted i still cant belive things ended as quik as they did he treated me like a tap .. he truned me on when he wanted me and turnd me of when he didnt but the silly thing is though after all he has put me through i STILL LOVE HIM I ALWAYS HAVE and i think I ALWAYS WILL x................................................x Love-O-Meter 5.00 out of 5 hearts Add your vote! How many hearts does this story rate? 1 is lowest, 5 is highest. Submit your own story Most Recent Love Stories
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