Love Stories @ RomanceClass - Blue rose They say the blue rose is Impossible or Unattainable that is exactly what happened to me i had searched all my life i was actually tired didnt knw where to know until i found the most incredible person that i had ever met and saw. she had the most intrigging look, beauti4l lips great body and awsome personality. Got to know her and it was something like out of this planet i remembered thanking good for putting this incredible person in my life it was the greatest thing that had ever happeed to me, every hour, second or minute that we spent together was so special i never wanted it to end but like the beaut4l blue rose the love and passion that once seemed Impossible or Unattainable was really that.When i really tought that nothing could go wrong the love that once there was, in return for this guy there was no love just a hope of having someone to love and to feel loved. Love-O-Meter 4.00 out of 5 hearts Add your vote! How many hearts does this story rate? 1 is lowest, 5 is highest. Submit your own story Most Recent Love Stories
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