Love Stories @ RomanceClass -
Mr G

so he was a teacher at school right and i like didnt really like him but then i went on this thing for a week and and then we had to go in my car to get some honey and i knew i was in love with him.

and then we started talking loads online and then he came to my house for a party and accidently touched my leg but i wanted him to and my mum was there and she said he was drunk but he wasnt coz he only had 1 drink coz he had to drive home.

then we like talked all nite on da fone and then i saw him at school and we like talked a bit but not much but i knew he loved me and i thought he was oright 2.

then we both found out we were both going to a festival and said we'd meet each other there and stay in the same tent and then we got there and all his friends were there and i reckon they all fancied me but i liked him the most.

then my friend came over and she said 'ARE U LINKIN WIv dis ova boi' and i said abit, but im going out with this teacher man. then i realised that we woznt and i like knew all his friends had heard so i ran away and i found the love of my life eating a cheeseburger which is alright coz i like cheese even tho im a veggie.

then i told him id said we were going out and he said well are we? and are u staying in my tent tonight so i said ok. and then we kissed. and now ive been with him for 2 months and now just the other day he got me a really nice ring from argos and asked me to marry him. I SAID YES! but well wait til im 18 coz are parents are really like weird about it and totally out of order. xxxxxxx i love you Mr. G


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