Love Stories @ RomanceClass - Crushing for six years So when I was ten I met this guy that I thought was just so cute. Well days go by and we talked but also dated other people. So years went by and we would always hang out I crushed on him the whole time thinking what am I doing that so wrong why doesn't he want me! 6 years later I'm 16 he 18 we would see eachother every day and one day he asked me out and after long talks and the most awesome relationship and friendship come to find out we crushed on eachother for this whole 6 years and while this was happening we both went through a serious relationship and got our hearts broke which I thought was a sign! Now we have bEen together for a little over 2 years and and we have the most awesome daughter I wouldn't trade my life for anything! I know I young but we are happy and doing really good in life in general! Love-O-Meter 3.93 out of 5 hearts Add your vote! How many hearts does this story rate? 1 is lowest, 5 is highest. Submit your own story Most Recent Love Stories
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