Love Stories @ RomanceClass - Valentines i was really bored one day and saw my bro txtintg a frind. out of curiosity i adsked him who he was txting he has th obvios anwser of a frind so i go can i hav there # thinking i culd give them tips on how 2 survive my bro. he goes shure so i get th # and start txting them 2 find out there a girl. So we txt some q and a and i start 2 feel something 4 this girl on valintines we where txting and i brot up th subject of dating. So we start talking and then she says her bro thinks she shuld ask me out so she asks and i said yes to put on a show for her bro so then i ask her 2 be my valintine and she says yes then. Then she ask if i like her so i ask th same and she said yes and then i said yes so now weve been 2gether evr sence. :-D Love-O-Meter ![]() ![]() 2.00 out of 5 hearts Add your vote! How many hearts does this story rate? 1 is lowest, 5 is highest. Submit your own story Most Recent Love Stories
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