Love Stories @ RomanceClass - What a story! So I was at the movies with my girlfriend Kelly her HOTT friend Miranda and her boyfriend matt(I've like Miranda my whole live) so were all sitting together and me and Kelly are making out and mat and Miranda are doing the same. We all stop the Kelly goes to the bathroom and then mat does to. Then they come back and I go get some thing to eat. When I get out there I see my really HOTT friend Sam and she comes up to me and say u and Kelly broke up? And I say no and she say o well I just saw matt and Kelly making out. Then sam was like I no what'll make u happy. So me and the hottest girl in the school make out. When we were done I get my food and go back to the movie. I text Miranda and tell her that mat and Kelly madeout. So she say go to the bathroom with me so we go. When we were out there she cruz sooo hard so I go hold on to her and comfort her. And I say how can mat do such a thing your one of the nicest girls and one of the prettiest and he has to break your heart. Then she says how can Kelly do that to u you are the perfect boyfriend. Then I say do u want to just forget bout them and go out with me and she says yes... Now we've been going out for a lil over a year and I love her and there's no end in sight. Love-O-Meter ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() 4.72 out of 5 hearts Add your vote! How many hearts does this story rate? 1 is lowest, 5 is highest. Submit your own story Most Recent Love Stories
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