Love Stories @ RomanceClass -
Togae four the ebd of time

WE meet on the intenet and fall in love we chatet on the web four about 3 years and then we dissed to meet up when we met we knew they whaere sole mats and metnt to be we sarttit going out and four abot 4 mounts it was bliss but the my faramly turend us. They treyed to stop me fom seeing him but hey falled then we dessitd to run awaey we stowed awy on a fligt to england whe my beloved is from we could not go as are selfs four my falaye had gon to the plice and sed thhat he had kiddnapt me and he was a nasole wantted man
we got to england and bagan a newe life four 3 yees it was bliss inad we go marred and state to tkoe abot steeld down ing engae we thot we wor safe it was the best day of my when we gaot maeyedlife the bet dy of boys are lives as we lay in bed that night. But thenn abot a mounthy after we got maeyed wahle wen whwer sittige are lega isnwnaeed with eat outhers are heds leing agent eat outhers and bout are hads in outhe came the knok at the door we diiat awt to barke are inrace but the knkig was insatnnat nad when we hed the cary of plece we kne we had to luke whent to anset the door and ask them if we coud help then i hed it the sots of get on the floor and lukes staed voce of dot het me i wet to see waht they whae doug and they tod me to to wruey it was that we relassed that the news of the supoosed kidnaping me had ritch enagland i terd to tell the ploces the trufe but ty thout like ahd saceld me into saying this as the ploce bet down to pud the hadcuffs on lukewe kne it was our ole chaes when whn of the pluce men dorpted his cuffs and we ran they firet gert guns and tayes and 3 times luke was hit my the tasey but somhow h keppt going and once he got hit by the a bullt in the shoder we keppt on running and we got down to the gage we jmpt in to the car the polce gave chaces but we outrun them that nige we buck into a hotle in poolle a bulfall place witch luke haoe took me to whan we ran awey to england we wour all over the news every cuntery in the world had cloased ther bordos to us they belaved the leiys for 4 days we mage to gae away with possige as roy and amarmnda but then the hotla owns foud out who we were and we had to run again and now as we look out over studland we can heer the sarrans as the plue get neare and nearer ney they areeyvy and they soorond us hat tell luke to get out of the car he doss totry and exspale what has happend but they dot lis and they fire woaut wornnig as i saw the my parrts gave the owdr fierd
i see luke bodey fall and i dar out an catch hes deye bodey as i cradel his dyige bodey his last wes wour i will alwles love you and a sale crpat over are faces as i dyed of a brloan hare four thowe we wouer bot dead in ths world we are now togaet four all ennantey

and now 3 yeas as we look down on eavf rom havan whitch is like are puffet liffe the world has rellsed the truff and we are senn as a true liaf romay and jullet stouses are mad and put up in our home townc cappatse cits and our foawwd pace and a huge on is put up in studland whwere we dyed we are appy haere four we are togae four the ebd of time and nowon can brkae us up


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