Love Stories @ RomanceClass - My comforter i met diz guy 4yrz ago.he is my bhezfrnd en my comforter.. we Love each other but we nver had a commitment coz he Leave en went to Qatar to work for 2yrz.. so i felL w/ another guy wyL my bhezfrnd is away but unf0rtunateLy i got hurt to d point that i didnt want 2 Love again..but my bhezfrnd was so caring,Loving en patient.. He took care of my broken heart and bcoz of dat i Learned 2 Love agen en diz tym w/ my bhezfrnd.. and evryday im praying dat diz guy and me wiL become Bestfrnd and boyfrnd 4ever..ü Love-O-Meter 4.56 out of 5 hearts Add your vote! How many hearts does this story rate? 1 is lowest, 5 is highest. Submit your own story Most Recent Love Stories
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