Love Stories @ RomanceClass - Love lost ok,so ive been talkin to this boy for 'bout 7mons now nd we made this promise that when we go to our separate skools in highskool(which is soon) that we would never let anyone replace our spots nd the love that we share,but lately idk but ive been loseing my love interest in him,once youve nown someone for a long time there basically nothing left to talk bout that you already no,nd for sum reason i seem to act really different around him,nd i tend to flirt alot,he still wants this to work nd i do to but i juss dnt want to hurt him,nd i dnt think i could stay with him any longer nd havin to be commited to him, nd to remind yu i dnt go with him never have nd i dnt think i ever will,i jus cant c myself being in a relationship with him. i mean he isnt attractive,but he makes me smile,buys me things,loves me,protects me,cares for me nd more nd im glad i met him.nd i no looks dnt count but idk there more to him than that, nd there is this other that i like,i liked him for like a year,he likes me as well.we flirt nd talk alot.he is very cute nd never makes me mad always make me smile nd laugh.nd he wants a kiss =) im gonna give him one too,gahh he gives me butterflies nd i act so silly around him,there is alot that i like about him.he wants me to b his girlfrend n i want to b his gurlfrend,he turned dwn sum gurls for me to...awh..but i dnt wanna hurt the other boys feelings juss think how he wuld feel to find out that i like sumone else broke our promise nd went wit him,after 7months ov wantin to go with lost Love-O-Meter 3.40 out of 5 hearts Add your vote! How many hearts does this story rate? 1 is lowest, 5 is highest. Submit your own story Most Recent Love Stories
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