Love Stories @ RomanceClass - In love more than ever i'm A 14 year old boy, i have been chopping and changing in the girls i fancy and love all year. There is one girl who i completely fell for in year 7, we got it on, had a very intense sexual relationship, i had her round for sleepovers we kissed and fell asleep in eachothers arms all the time, we told our friends we were going out. But sometimes we did used to fight a lot, well 24/7 actually, this went on from begining of year 7 until early times in year 8, i broke up with her, because she was hurting me to much. I then got over my old girlfriend and moved on to another girl who was this time in my tutor, she was slim, sexy and beautiful, i was in love, again!! And i fell for her, she said she felt the same, we were constantly looking at eachother and laughing, she wasn't in a group that particulaly liked me so i tried making friends with her, by the end of year 8 we had got it on, then broke up. She used to change her mind alot, but we still had love there. Our love also got inturupted by one of my friends friends, i went out with her for a bit, then i fell in love with her, but we broke up shortly because i fell in love again at the end of year 8 with the same girl before, the one i met in year 7. Although i broke up with her, it was almost a yar we had been going out, then we broke up and we didnt date or really talk for another year, at the end of year 8 we both got it on again, and fell in love. But she said to me recently, we couldn't try again because it hurt to many people, to this day i still love her, but shes not my main girl at the moment. Before the first girl in year 7, i liked another girl, only for a very short ammount of time, we never got far at all, i fell out of love with her and on to the girl i ave previously been telling you about. But now i am back in love with her, shes beautiful, always getting the boyfriends, shes single at the moment, and i will never make a move, shes just too popular to try, everyone knows her and im scared of what will happen. I'm in love more than ever, i love having lessons with her, i text her, but we're only friends, so i'm trying to look for information on advancing our friendship, any tips please comment and i will contact you personally, thanks:D x Love-O-Meter 2.67 out of 5 hearts Add your vote! How many hearts does this story rate? 1 is lowest, 5 is highest. Submit your own story Most Recent Love Stories
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