Love Stories @ RomanceClass - Two years ago I was only 16 and he was only 17. We meet on the phone when me and my best friend were calling random people and having a laugh, making up funny and stupid stories. She had his phone number because they have meet before once. we rang him and said that there's ketchup on my wall and the devil is coming to clean it off...we were talking about this one stupid thing for 2 hours, his voice was so mature and sweet in the same time. Few days later, I and my friends were sitting on the bench where we always meet and we were waiting for one of my friends’ friend which happened to be the same guy that I was talking on the phone, George. I told him that it was me on the phone and we started laughing and talking about everything. All of us went to this local gig, we sat under the tree and kept on talking. It started to rain, it was the biggest rain I have ever seen in my life, all the streets were blocked and there was water up to our ankles. I had to run back home. George runs with me holding my hand. We got into my house all wet and tired. My grandmother gave us hot chocolate, dinner and dry clothes. We went to my room and talked. After few hours we fell asleep hugging each other. The next day, when we woke up we were still in the same position, still hugging. I opened my eyes and George was looking at me with his beautiful blue eyes, smiling and gently touching my hand. We never kissed that night but the feeling that I had was unbelievable. He rang me on the same day and told me that he never felt this way before and he would like to see me again. So we did meet the next day. We had an amazing time. We were just walking around the park and talking, holding hands...but we still didn’t kiss. We were too fond of that feeling that we shared at the moment. Then he walked me home, it was raining again. Everytime we saw each other it was raining. It was our weather. It stopped raining. Few days later we meet again, he walked me home again, we still didn’t kiss and it was raining again... "Nothing whets good cant last for long"? I and my parents had to move to Australia. It was the worst thing that could happen to me at this point where I and George were exploring each other’s minds... I had to tell him. We had 3 more weeks for each other. We were seeing each other every day. It was Friday, I had a flight on Saturday. We meet under the tree where it started raining when we were talking. He was there, waiting for me and the tears were dropping on his checks and lips. I came up to him and without any words kissed him on his wet from tears lips. He held my hand and kissed me back. His other hand was holding me so strong and so passionate. we were kissing for 2 hours without saying anything since we started raining... it was so unbelievably magical, I started crying, I was holding him tightly and we were still kissing in pouring rain. On that day I didn’t want him to walk me home. So there he went in this rain, with his and my tears on his lips. We barely talked on that day. Next day I woke up crying that I have to leave. My bag was already packed and my parents were ready to leave the house. So we left, went on the train platform...and there I saw him, waiting for me. I ran right into his arms. My parents watched us kissing so passionately, they didn’t know what to say. My train to the airport arrived. We had our last kiss. Even that we moved on, that both of us have partners now, we can’t forget about what happened 2 years ago... I know that I will never love anyone like this and he knows that he will never love any girl like he loved...loves me. We still know that we will be together sooner or later... love like this can’t be waited. Love-O-Meter ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() 4.43 out of 5 hearts Add your vote! How many hearts does this story rate? 1 is lowest, 5 is highest. Submit your own story Most Recent Love Stories
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