Love Stories @ RomanceClass -
Soon to be parents

I came on facebook one day and realised i had a friend request from this guy i didnt think nothin of it until he added me on messenger, he was rele sweet and flirted for ages, he was gorgeous but i didnt want to say. We then realised we shared the same friend who's party was a few months away, we spoke til the party and when we both arrived we didnt speak at all, his friend asked me to go a walk with him i said no, until he asked again and i gave in, we kissed for the first time although remained friends for around a year in which he met someone else and so did i.
After breaking up with my bf nd realising he was single nd so was i, he asked to see me again, we were just casuaul dating for around 4 months when he asked me out, its coming up to our 5 year anniversary and its so wonderful. We have so much things in common and spend all our time with eachother. Were soon to be parents and i cannot wait


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