Love Stories @ RomanceClass - What should I do? -- drop him What Should I Do? K I met this guy on the internet lets just call him A but yeh after that we started to talk a lot more. i feel like i realli do love him but im not sure and he says that he loves me a lot and i realli dont no if he is telling the truth but i hope he is. i want to be with him sooo bad but the onli way for me and him to communicate is msn and webcam but i want to be with him every single second. see im onli 12 and he is like 18 i no this is really bad but i feel like i realli do love him. and if my parents ever found out about me and him then i would be in soo much trouble. but now i realli dont know wut to do? -- This isn't the way to ask questions... RomanceClass has a separate section for questions. But, my advice to you is to forget this 18 year old. You are too young for him and if your parents find out they will ground you forever. Good luck, George Love-O-Meter 1.32 out of 5 hearts Add your vote! How many hearts does this story rate? 1 is lowest, 5 is highest. Submit your own story Most Recent Love Stories
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