Love Stories @ RomanceClass - Never let you go I'm 17 and my boyfriend is 18. We are both seniors in high school but we go to different schools. We live at least 10 minutes away so I get to see him every other day. We have been going out for 8 months now and are deeply in love. But there is a problem, I'm going to be moving 30 minutes away and transferring to another school. But the plus side about that, it might be his school. I could just only hope. But we are so scared about losing each other. If i dont go to his school, we wont get to see each other till the weekends because he wouldnt be able to drive out to my house for 30 mins every other day, thats like a waste of gas. Awhile ago, I looked at him and said "Never let me go." and he said "Never..." then held me close and we both cried. He rarely cries so it was such a big connection we had that brought us much closer. I will never let you go babycakes! :3 Love-O-Meter 4.06 out of 5 hearts Add your vote! How many hearts does this story rate? 1 is lowest, 5 is highest. Submit your own story Most Recent Love Stories
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