Love Stories @ RomanceClass - i'm not sure if he likes me back theres this boy at my school that i really like an im not sure if he likes me back because he doen't do anything with me. we met in 2008 our freshmen year an since then ive always liked him an had da bigest crush on him. A few weeks ago me an my friend went over to his house an we hung out for a few hours then all of a sudden out of know where he said ill trade you your liter for a kiss an i was like no then he said ok then how about i jus give you a kiss an he gave me one. My heart was beating so fast then he started macking me but i got scared an turned away an now i think i ruind it. he wont talk to me anymore its sad. i see him around school an i jus pitchure dat day we first kissed eachother as friends only. i guess dat was a 1 night thing.....i want him to be my boyfriend i like him to much for nothing.... Love-O-Meter No Votes Yet Add your vote! How many hearts does this story rate? 1 is lowest, 5 is highest. Submit your own story Most Recent Love Stories
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