Love Stories @ RomanceClass -
i don't have the heart

One day during class were flirting but i didnt relise that i was until my friend had come over to ask me if i liked this guy, at first i was confused by the question, I didnt think i could like a guy like him, every time i flirted back he'd give me the most adorable smile i cant quite explain, it gave me a nice feeling to no it was just for me that i had been the one to put it on his face, sometimes he says thing that hert my feelings but most of the time hes sweet as long as i start talking to him, But somethimes i just cant shake the things he says to me i sometimes get it in my head hes not joking, But yet i cant stop likeing him, i have no idea why, even if it means putting up with some of the things he says to me just so i can be near him when he so sweet and cute. I know i should tell him but i just dont have the heart.


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