Love Stories @ RomanceClass - the best lovely, lovely boyfriend. haha. he's absoulutely the best. well we kindz got talking and we said to each other that we were scared. becuase he's going to another highschool. ot mine :( we were so sad. becuase i know im only 14 and bla bla bla but i seriously do love him. he was my best friend for about 2 or 3 years then i wanted to actually be with him. he said "don't worry. when we're old enough, I'll find you again and marry you. then we can always be together." and i thought of something extremely childish but kinda sweet if you think about it. i told him that we could marry right now. like secretely and that would represent a promise for both of us. :') he came to me the next day, kneeled and took my hand. he said my full name (rather not say on internet. you can never be too safe,) and then said those words.. "will you marry me.." i think you know what my answer was. ,) and that's our proise for each other. Love-O-Meter 0.00 out of 5 hearts Add your vote! How many hearts does this story rate? 1 is lowest, 5 is highest. Submit your own story Most Recent Love Stories
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