Love Stories @ RomanceClass - Trust can overcome everything On a nice Sunday afternoon, In October 12, 2002 i was invited to a baptisim party at my ex-boyfriend's house. i didn't really want to go but i went anyways. There i met many guys but one special guy stood out. he was in the choir. it was time to dance so he asked me to dance but i refused.he was pretty hot that night, and had a beautiful car.we started to have a nice conversation. Anyways we started dating and had problems with my parents b/c they didn't want me to date him. I really loved him so we continued to have a secret relationship. He is 7yrs. older than me, and i was 15 so it was illegal so we had to keep it a secret, and since he has a very unique car he had to rent a car every weekend just to come see me. This continued for about a year and than i started driving so i would just meet him somewhere, and we overcame all of the obstacles in our way. Now almost 2 1/2 yrs, we are still dating and we will marry in the summer. We are very excited about it and now my parents know. they are not happy about it but they will get over it and help me plan my wedding with the love of my life. As you can see no matter what your relationship problems are love, and trust can overcome everything. Love-O-Meter ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() 4.73 out of 5 hearts Add your vote! How many hearts does this story rate? 1 is lowest, 5 is highest. Submit your own story Most Recent Love Stories
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