Love Stories @ RomanceClass - A fairytale come true I had been with Wade since a month before my 18th birthday. He had been such a great guy for about 3 years and I was convinced that he was "The One". He had security in the profession he chose, the want for a family one day, and claimed to want to spend the rest of his life with me. I had almost the perfect relationship, until the day I found out he had been unfaithful to me. After crying to my best friend for days trying to decide what I should do, I settled on not leaving him, figuring we could work it out. After about a week things seem to go back to normal, as if we were both pretending his infidelity didn't happen. It still tortured my mind. I had began to avoid him because every time I was around him, I thought about the other girl. One night I went out with a few of my girlfriends to this gay bar to watch a drag show. We sat near the stage in the back on top of the large speakers. Next to my group of friends were another group of girls. One in particular caught my eye. She looked familiar and after multiple second looks, I remembered that I had seen her several times around my small little town. I had never spoken to her but I sure wanted to. She had switched places with one of the girls she was with so that she was sitting directly next to me. I hadn't really even noticed until my elbow was bumping hers. I repeatedly, on purpose, bumped her, hoping to strike up a conversation. It never happened. When the drag show was over, the stage turned into a dance floor and everyone crowded to bump and grind on each other. My friends wanted to go out and smoke. While outside, we had decided that we would just go home instead of staying to dance. I wanted to talk to that girl so badly, that I insisted on going back inside to say goodbye to a few people. I went back inside the club in search of that girl. Unfortunately I couldn't find her. I went back the next week to look for her. Again, I couldn't find her. Until one day, while browsing people on MySpace, I came across this unknown girl's profile. Her name was Cori. For a week I stalked her page, afraid to add her as a friend, wondering what she would think of me. I read everything on her page, over and over again. I began to crush. She was cute, scratch that... absolutely gorgeous. I had been attracted to girls before but it always seem to just be for the attention I received from the male population. However, there was something different about this one. Finally, I decided to go for it and add her. It took her 3 days to accept my friend request and I was elated when she finally did. I decided to send her a message and typed and re-typed quite a few messages before I ultimately settled on a short lame sentence: "I just wanted to let you know that you are quite gorgeous." She replied with "You're not too bad yourself." I wasn't sure how to take that. Was it a compliment, or was she just being polite? I caught her one day online at the same time as me and I instant messaged her. I smiled when she replied immediately. We had small talk until she said "You know I have a girlfriend, right?" I said yes and she continued with "Good, I just wanted to be honest, but I'm still going to flirt with you because you are damn cute." My heart leaped. Why? I was dating a great guy, despite his indiscretions and I had been with him for over 3 years. What was I doing? We talked about my boyfriend a bit and she asked me if wanted to "kick it" sometime. I invited her over but she declined, her reasoning being that boyfriends don't like her. So, she invited me over to her place. It was still early in the day and we both weren't sure our plans for the evening so I tossed and turned in my head whether or not hanging out with her was a good idea. I didn't know what she expected of me and I really wasn't sure what I expected of her but I nervous as hell. Around 9 at night we were both online again and Cori once again, asked me if I wanted to "kick it". I told Wade I was going to go hang out with a new friend. I told him about her and he didn't seem to mind that I was leaving, not that he really had any say in whether I left or not. It was snowing outside and I was shaking so bad from nerves that I wasn't sure if I would be able to drive the car in the snow. However, I made it to her place but the entire 15 minutes it took me to get there, I had contemplated turning around. I pulled into her driveway and she met me outside. Dressed cute as hell in light washed jeans, a gray polo, and a gray hoodie with a gray brimmed beanie, when she smiled at me for the very first time, I couldn't help but blush. If I told anyone that I didn't believe in love at first sight, I would be lying. I had seen her before but this was the first time I was officially meeting Cori. She brought me into her home and we sat in her cousin's room and just talked. I was so nervous still that I barely said anything. I know that first impressions are important so maybe that is why I didn't say much, I was afraid of what she would think of me. We discussed my cheating boyfriend a bit and she talked about her rather young girlfriend. At the end of the night, I left only wanting to be around her all the time. It was a Tuesday. Wade left for work at 6 am and like a weirdo, I got online, hoping to catch her before she went to work at 7:30. I was thrilled when she instant messaged me. All I wanted to was to talk to her. We chatted for a bit and then she had to leave for work. After we were both off work, I invited her to come with Wade and I to hang out with my friend Cara and her girlfriend. I already knew from the moment she smiled at me that I wanted to keep her around so it only made sense that Wade had to meet her. Cara and Cori hit it off instantly and Wade seemed to think Cori was pretty cool too. Thursday came and again, I wanted to hang out with Cori but I wasn't sure how she would feel about seeing me 3 days in a row. She invited me to go to a party with her... I went. The next day, again I wanted to hang out with Cori but she was with her girlfriend. However late that night I found an excuse to stop by and see her. I made plans with her the next day to go to the gay bar. So, I was up to 5 days in a row of Cori time. I pushed it to 6 days in a row when I picked her up and took her to work on Sunday morning. My crush was getting worse. Monday afternoon I talked to her before she went to work at 4:30 and she told me she wasn't feeling well and I told her after she got off work, I'd take care of her. I felt the need to make her better. Cori sent me a picture via cell phone showing me how sick she felt and I just took pity on her. I picked her up from work at 9 and brought her back to my apartment... and there she stayed. Literally, she stayed. Since that day, I haven't had a Cori free day and that is all right with me. I had an "affair" with her for about a month before it started to cause problems with Wade and her girlfriend. In fact, I had broken up with Wade, telling him I fell in love with Cori. He obviously didn't take it too well and it was a messy break up. However, when the reality kicked in that my boyfriend of 3 plus years was gone and I had this beautiful women in my life to take his place but she still had a girlfriend, I got scared. I sucked it up and fought to get Wade back. He reluctantly came back to me, probably out of guilt of his previous unfaithfulness. We swore to get through what had happened but Cori was such a big part of my life that there was no way I was going to ask her to leave, especially when Wade had already told her she could move in. I promised to remain just friends with Cori. Unfortunately for Wade, he doesn't keep his promises and 3 weeks later, a big breasted 16 year old threw herself at him and again, like he told me before, "I just couldn't say no." I left him, Cori left her girlfriend... we were free to be with each other. Since the day Cori smiled at me in her driveway, I've been hooked and all I can imagine is my future with her. I don't care what obstacles I have to go through to have the life we both want and I'm willing to do whatever it takes to keep her and make her happy. I thought I was happy with Wade and I would have told anyone who asked that I was going to marry him and have his children. But I had to realize that if his excuse was always going to be "I just couldn't say no" then he couldn't possibly love me as much as he claimed he did. I didn't trust him at all and when he would say those three words, I felt lies. However, when Cori tells me she loves me, I feel with every bone in my body that she means it with all her heart. I wish I could explain in words how Cori makes me feel. I've never been happier. Just seeing her every morning makes me so giddy. Knowing she is fully mine makes me feel privileged. And hearing her say "I love you" makes me smile so ridiculously that you would think I'm up to something. She's everything I've always wanted in a partner and more. Kisses in the rain, walks in the park, staring up at the stars, and picnics by the water... what more could I really ask for? Cori is my fairytale come true. Love-O-Meter ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() 4.98 out of 5 hearts Add your vote! How many hearts does this story rate? 1 is lowest, 5 is highest. Submit your own story Most Recent Love Stories
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