Love Stories @ RomanceClass - Hook Bracelet Her name is S. My name is J. She is 17, I, 18. It all started...Well, it all started when we were just friends hanging out probably both looking for some fun, nothing serious. When i realized i liked her more than any ol' fling, was when i noticed, holy cow! My new best friend is a GIRL! Which is very odd for me since i am a rock n roll drummer and have never had a girl as ONLY a friend. Turns out S wasn't only a friend either. I was at a party with my friends, when we decided to go for a beer run (i know, shame on me, and YES! we were sober at the time) After arriving at the local drug store i ended up spending the majority of my money on Valentine's Day gifts. I knew what i had to do. I got her one of those jumbo-size cards. On the front it bore a V-day checklist. It had boxes with check marks next to the items on the list. Flowers. Check. Chocolates. Check. card. Check. the last item on the list was candles. S has an abundance of candles and i really saw no reason to buy her candles for V-day, so to add a little joking flare to the card, i took a jumbo-size sharpie (to fit the jumbo-size card)and put two thick lines through the "candle" portion of the checklist. The inside of the card read "the only thing im missing is... (in a continuation of the check list) YOU." complete with an unchecked box and everything. Perfect. I put in "fine print" : "By checking this box, I S have a legal obligation to love J with all my heart, and be his girlfriend from now on." And i taped the sharpie next to the unchecked box, making her check it when she opened it. She was floored, and loved it, checking the box, and we've been together for almost 4 months now, not including the 2 months before Valentines Day. Our love grew and it eventually got to the point where i felt feelings so strong, i wasn't even sure how to express them anymore through words, so i sent her a poem. After the poem, i told her that this was only the first of 365 poems she would receive daily, obviously, for one year. Its been maybe a month since then, and surely enough, she has received AT LEAST the required one poem a day. She is making a scrapbook out of them, and I've never felt so invigorated with love and compassion in all my life, even through the days of puppy love. As of now, I am on vacation with my parents, and go home tomorrow. It has been two excruciating long weeks, of which i have ...almost:)... not enjoyed due to my lack of "S-love". I was planning on buying her a promise ring here, but found something i thought would be more...Unique. It is called a 'Hook Bracelet'. It is only found here, no where else in the world and if worn with the opening of the hook towards your forearm, it means you have a true love in your life. When I see her after I get back I plan on making her a personal promise of love and dedication (simply and purely to reinforce what is already established) along with her bracelet amongst other small trinkets, a dress, etc. All the girls have a promise ring, but tell me how many of her girlfriends will have one of those :) Love-O-Meter No Votes Yet Add your vote! How many hearts does this story rate? 1 is lowest, 5 is highest. Submit your own story Most Recent Love Stories
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