Love Stories @ RomanceClass -
Waiting Until We're Older

There is this guy, i'd liked him for over a year and he liked me but i didn't know. He finally asked me out and i was too happy. we went out for 4 months, but my parents didn't like me dating so we kept it a secret from them. He ended it because he didnt think it was right keeping it from them, but he said he still loves me and i love him too much right now. He says he is going to wait, til my parents think im old enough. He sends me texts saying how he cant wait to have me back in his arms whilst i fall asleep, i somtimes see him, but not very often as we met at school and he has now left, there is one year between us. When i do see him, he always reminds me of his love by snuggling me and declaring thumb wars whilst sat outside in the sun. I love him & it hurts somtimes, but i know that hopefully we will be together.


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