Love Stories @ RomanceClass - To be with him and live happily ever after i met a boy on a chat room and we have grown a close friendship, so close we desided to start dating online. i have fallen in love with him and i want him so much! i am only 14 but this feels so real. we live soooo far away from each other it brakes my hart, and each night when he talks to me on msn i feel like i should be there with him. he is 16 and we have so much in common. one day we will meet and live together and start a family, even he says that. i could never love a boy so much and never cry so much over one either. i beleave in miricals and one day my wish will come true, to be with him and live happely ever after.... Love-O-Meter 2.25 out of 5 hearts Add your vote! How many hearts does this story rate? 1 is lowest, 5 is highest. Submit your own story Most Recent Love Stories
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