Love Stories @ RomanceClass - summer love Last summer is one that I will never for get. Every year in July, my family and I go to a resort in the Bahamas called A and stay for a week. Little did I know, being 15 and all, that I could meet someone for the first time and fall so in love. It was one of my last nights there and I had gone to the teen club they have going on at night. I had been dancing with other guys while I saw one eyeing me from the other side of the dance floor. I glanced over at him and he smiled, then proceeded to walk over and ask me to dance. I've never felt so much chemistry and so close to someone before. Even long term boyfriends from the past didn't compare! We spent two amazing nights together falling more in love every minute he had his arms wrapped around me moving to the blare in the speakers. I can still remember every single detail, from his smile to the way he smelled.. We exchanged numbers and have been talking ever since. My heart hurts everyday without him here, and even though it may never happen, I dream of the day I might be in his arms on the dance floor once again. The 14 hours between us is nothing compared to the love we have for each other, and I would give anything for just a couple minutes spent with him. Love-O-Meter No Votes Yet Add your vote! How many hearts does this story rate? 1 is lowest, 5 is highest. Submit your own story Most Recent Love Stories
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