Love Stories @ RomanceClass - My Crush well its all started a year ago, i was on the internet talking to my friends, one of them is very popular in school and knew this guy she thought i would be interested in. so i aded him on msn messenger and we started talking, to be honest he sounded rather boring. we finally met up (he is 3 yrs older than me) and i recognised him from around my area, he was gorgeous we started talking at about 10 o clock he walked me home and he kissed me on the cheek and said it was great meeting me, i was immediately in love with him even now, he doesnt know it but we are very close friends and i hope sometime in the future we get together because i really do love him so muchhhh. i think everyone has someone out there, and everyone will have there turn at somepoint, just remember love hides behind every corner so look out for your love! Love-O-Meter 2.99 out of 5 hearts Add your vote! How many hearts does this story rate? 1 is lowest, 5 is highest. Submit your own story Most Recent Love Stories
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