Love Stories @ RomanceClass - It was me I was at a new school i knew no one and no one new mei was so scared they pair me up with someone so i knew were i was goin and it was a boy called morgan he was so cute but he was a friend. Soooo..... a week or two after it was lunchtime and by that time me and morgan were great friends and i wass talkin to him like friends do and he said something that changed my life... I said to him yu have a crush right. he said course i do who doesnt. i said phone go on phone her.he pull his fone out him pocket and went fine but if she says no it your flaut and he put in the numbers. i said oh wait i think someones foning me i took me fone from my pocket and said Hello and it was morgan he answered i love you. From that day on we are joined at the hip always together and its been 2 years and he stay round my house i stay round his x Love-O-Meter No Votes Yet Add your vote! How many hearts does this story rate? 1 is lowest, 5 is highest. Submit your own story Most Recent Love Stories
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