Love Stories @ RomanceClass -
Find a love as soon as possible: it's fun!

am just 15 and 10 dayz .. and i met my soulmate 3 months ago ..
actually , i chatted with him on the msn messenger for a long time , and finally we became gf/bf ..
he's soooo cuuuute soo sweet , and he'll never imagine how much i love him ..
we hang out together a lot =) .. and we usually french-kiss in these dates ..
i know that he loves me .. and am sure of it .. and i love him too .. and will love him forever ..
i really feel that am the luckiest girl ever !!.. for having him in my life ..
before i loved him .. i just was saying that love is the biggest lie ever .. but now .. that am madly in love with him .. i changed my mind ..
love is the most GREAT thing in life =)!..
my advice to u = " find a love as soon as possible "..
=)!.. try it .. i promise it's fun .. =)!..


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